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75 Hard: Phase 1 Complete!

 Based on my past blogs, it may seem like I feel miserable all the time and I'm constantly in a funk. That's not the case at all. Most days during this program, I feel amazing. I am more energetic now than I've ever been. I have never felt healthier. I think writing about the "good" things happening in life is easy. That's what people love to post about. I've learned that writing has become an outlet to clear some of that brain fog you get from pushing your body to the max.  Anyone that has gotten into running consistently understands the feeling of a runner's high. It feels like you are at the top of the world. They also know what it's like to experience the dark side of running. Where you feel like you are broken, out of shape, and hated. The runner's low can get low for me sometimes. So I need to put those thoughts down into words.  75 Hard is no exception. You have days where you absolutely crush it. You go to bed feeling incredibly proud o

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